Are You Never Good Enough For Mom? You Need To Watch This.


Here is a short examination of what lies at the heart of the Narcissism Mother and why her daughter never feels good enough. P.S. It isn’t your fault.

Watch here- ( click CC for reading with the sound off)


So this morning’s topic is Recovery from the Narcissistic Mother. Now, what actually happens with the narcissistic mother is that she didn’t get her own needs met and so there are gaps, are holes inside a mom that many times the daughter is looked to, from the mother, to fill.

So, the daughter will have a sense of, no matter what I do, it’s not good enough. That’s a primary feeling, not good enough-ness or if I do this, then mom will have a problem with that and if I do that, mom will have a problem with this.

It’s so important to heal these wounds that are carried down from mother to daughter and separate out what you’re doing to get your mothers approval and really think about what you need yourself, and how to get your own approval and have that be separate. So, here’s to healthy boundaries between mothers and daughters.

Bio- Katherine Fabrizio, M.A., L.P.C. has treated Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, Trapped in the Role of the “Good Daughter” for over 30 years. Dedicated to empowering these women, she now offers online help for clients and training (CE’s) for therapists at Her book, Daughters Rising: Rising Above the Shame, Guilt and Self-Doubt Mothers Pass Down to Daughters, is now on Amazon. Katherine lives in Raleigh N.C. where she raised two daughters and still speaks regularly with her mother.

This article was originally published on


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Katherine Fabrizio
Katherine Fabrizio

Written by Katherine Fabrizio

Katherine Fabrizio Empowers Daughters of Narcissistic/Borderline/Difficult Mothers who are trapped in the role of “Good Daughter” in psychotherapy and online.

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