Embody Self Confidence With This 30 Second Yoga Pose [VIDEO]
Today we are bringing help straight to the body.
Shot straight through the heart of your self-doubt.
If you want to change & embody self-confidence — you need to take it up with your body.
Literally. Right now. This moment.
Embody the change you want to feel!
First, you must understand- to embody self-confidence you must get out of your head and into your body.
Off the couch and onto the mat.
An overview
It isn’t enough to merely understand on an intellectual level what went wrong with your mother/daughter relationship. Awareness is essential and at the same time, not enough.
Research by Amy Cuddy tells us that changing your body (even your posture) sends powerful messages to the emotional centers of the brain. There is something to the expression
“Fake it til you make it.”
We can do better.
We reject fake.
Instead, we rewrite this to be-
Embody it to manifest it.
And here is the amazing caveat-
You don’t need to wait until you can strike the perfect yoga pose to gain benefits.
The very act of declaring with your posture/pose your intention you send powerful messages to your brain.
Crazy -right?
Turns out… not so much…
You are more powerful than you know though.
So what’s this all about?
In the womb and later in her arms, mom was first experienced, felt, taken in and embodied. Simply put, she affected you, first and foremost, in your body in a sensory, physical way before you said your first word.
Therefore it makes sense that…….
Healing from a deficit in mothering must incorporate those embodied felt elements.
Let’s make this relevant for the daughter trapped in the role of the “good daughter”.
If you’re like so many good daughters, you have trouble saying some of the hard things you need to say.
You freeze, lose your voice, cave in.
Simply put you have trouble standing your ground, banishing self-doubt, and leading with self-confidence.
So how are you going to do that?
How are you going to lean into the self-doubt and start to send your body a new message?
I’ve asked Brisa Silvestre to help us with that.
Let me introduce you to one of the most open-hearted women I know.
Brisa Silvestri is a hot yoga and an Anna Forest certified yoga teacher. She is going to help us embody the confidence we want to feel.
“Open your heart”, Brisa says.
When you constrict your body and pull in for protection, you close your heart.
A closed heart is an insecure defensive posture.
An open heart is vulnerable and powerful all at the same time.
This is the Feminine paradox.
Masculine strength is embodied by the squared shoulders, fists up protecting the heart. Think of a boxer. It is all about the offense and the defense- not about connection. We need the Feminine for that.
Let’s redefine what we mean by strength. Let’s rewrite some old notions that don’t fit anymore.
To be good- we have stifled our impulses to the point of stifling the very life out of us.
Let’s turn now to getting that open-hearted Feminine power that will help with self-confidence.
To achieve an open heart, watch how shoulder shrugs help.
And… wait for it, in Goddess pose of course.
Drawing in the energy from the earth while you are calling mother earth to assist you. She is always there holding you.
Who can doubt herself when mother earth has her back? Heck, mother earth has all of you.
Using Ujjayi breath, Brisa demonstrates incorporating the benefits of a kind of breathing that support the goddess pose.
Ujjay breath regulates heating the body. The friction of the air passing through the lungs and throat generates internal body heat.
Additional benefits include diminished pain from headaches, relief of sinus pressure, a decrease in phlegm, and strengthening the nervous and digestive systems.
Open-hearted, grounded in the feminine divine, shoulders back and getting down to it- let’s learn all about it.
So, click below, and let’s see Brisa do her magic.
This article was originally published by https://daughtersrising.info/
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