How To Stand Up For Yourself- What The Good Daughter Needs to Know [VIDEO]


Do you struggle to stand up for yourself?

Have you ever let someone get away with being rude or unkind to you and… you say nothing?

Does this come from your mother, mother-in-law or stepmother? Perhaps another woman puts you down or gives you back-handed compliments.

If someone habitually criticizes you, will you stand up for yourself?

Will you say something or swallow this one whole…yet again?

Do you kick yourself for remaining silent?

If you let them “get away with it”, why should anything ever change?

If this sounds like you — I have help for you here.

Do yourself a favor and watch below.

If you would rather read-

So many daughters in the role of “good daughter” remain silent when a bitchy comment comes their way.

The barb, the swipe, is leveled at them and they freeze.

As the ‘good daughter”, you are programmed not rock the boat. Yet by smoothing things over or remaining silent, you go against yourself.

Let me break it down for you.

The problem with not speaking up for yourself is that resentment builds & erodes your self-confidence.

You remain conflicted and have a hard time trusting anybody, much less trusting yourself.

You feel angry yet you worry you will blow up.

How do you address hostile comments that come your way without losing your cool or playing doormat?

Let’s come into the moment — when somebody says something that hurts, you say this-

“You know, that was really hurtful. I’m not sure you meant to hurt me, but that’s how it came across. Could you tell me why you want to say that?”

If you’re met with silence, you might’ve just taken somebody off guard, or conversely they might’ve actually meant the hostility that you felt.

If the comment wasn’t intended as hurtful, then the person has a chance to regroup and say,

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Let’s talk about it”

By bringing it up and hearing a response, you can tell quite a lot.

And no matter what the outcome, you’ve stood up for yourself in a way that’s kind and compassionate.

The people in your life will sit up and take notice.

This is good.

You are on your way to becoming real, not merely good.

This is how we rise.


Do you have a Narcissistic or Difficult Mother?
Are you the “Good Daughter”? The Rebel? or The Lucky One?
Take the quiz and find out!

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Bio- Katherine Fabrizio, M.A., L.P.C. has treated Adult Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers, Trapped in the Role of the “Good Daughter” for over 30 years. Dedicated to empowering these women, she now offers online help for clients and training (CE’s) for therapists at Her book, Daughters Rising: Rising Above the Shame, Guilt and Self-Doubt Mothers Pass Down to Daughters, is now on Amazon. Katherine lives in Raleigh N.C. where she raised two daughters and still speaks regularly with her mother.

This article was originally published on



Katherine Fabrizio
Katherine Fabrizio

Written by Katherine Fabrizio

Katherine Fabrizio Empowers Daughters of Narcissistic/Borderline/Difficult Mothers who are trapped in the role of “Good Daughter” in psychotherapy and online.

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